Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)

At EMIL, business is done in harmony with the environment. We understand our responsibility towards environmental sustainability, and are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment. Our Environment policy lays out our commitment to measure and reduce the environmental impact of our operations.

Our Environment strategy focuses on four key areas:

  • Climate change (Carbon emissions)
  • Energy Management
  • Water management
  • Circular economy (Waste/Resource Management)
Climate Action
We realise that Mining is a carbon-intensive industry. That is why we have integrated low carbon strategy into our business roadmap to address SDG 13 (climate change goal) based on COP21 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Our strategy is governed by energy and carbon policy which is adopted by all our units. We have undertaken a voluntary strategy to reduce the impact of our operations on climate change. As a member of the international and national organizations like FICCI, CII and FIMI -SMI we are committed to publishing our emission data and set environmental performance targets.

Energy Management
At EMIL energy efficiency drives business efficiency. Improving energy efficiency is also closely linked to reducing the carbon intensity of our operations. That is why we constantly review our energy performance and invest in energy efficient technologies. Hence when we invested in CPT at IoBP.

Water Management
Water is critical for the continuity of mankind. We consistently work towards rejuvenating resources through our 3R approach – reduce, recycle and reuse. All our units are Zero Liquid Discharge. In line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 – clean water and sanitation, we not only conserve water but we also rejuvenate its sources. Initiatives like rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, water recycling.